Keymaster Sheet:
The Keymaster build
Here’s a super special build, and to be honest I’m not
entirely sure Hero Lab has calculated everything quite right because the stats
are insane and could probably be made better with more min maxing. 35 ac total
of 131 HP. It’s nice but if you go down, you’re going to die, do not pass go,
no stabilize check, you’re dead. So lets get started ZUUL MOTHERF*****
Synthesis Summoner: Theres something special about being
able to call forth the heavenly hosts and wear an outsider like so much of a
suit of armor. Long story short here is that you get to fuse with your eidolon
and pretty much, for the most part, stay that way. Substituting your phys
attributes with theirs and your mental attributes onto theirs. So essentially
this makes Str, Con, and Dex your dump stats. Note that this is only going to
be the case 99% of the time. There are situations where you lose your eidolon
and have to deal with being str con and dex 5 so keep that in the back of your
Half Elf: Pretty simple here, summoners are charisma based,
you get extra evolution from half elves. Asimars make a good choice too with
char and wis bonuses and DR for your eidolon.
STR:-- Dump stat
DEX:-- Dump Stat
CON:-- Dump stat
INT: 14 More skills is not a bad thing
WIS: 16 For the will save bonus, also you could take a level
of monk to boost ac/touch
CHA: 22 Main stat for summoners
Now depending on what you chose for your eidolon your str
dex and con might differ but mine have come out to 26 STR, 19 DEX and 17 CON.
So that Str26, DEX 19, CON 17, INT 14, WIS 16 and CHA 22. That’s a 79 point buy
with str and dex at only 18 (max cap). I told you those stats were insane.
Overall it’s not entirely broken, and still has it’s
weakpoints. But everything does in the game. That totally badass dragon? Meet
Pistolero or Zen archer monk with energy bow. Oh that mind control socereror
looks cool, too bad you just ran up on a monk. Basically there’s a lot of rock
paper scissors and this one has two big gaping holes. The first it’s high
armor, mostly natural. Very low touch AC, so spell casters will be slinging
rays at you and you’ll need to watch out for gunslingers. Second big gaping
hole is night. If I recall correctly you do have to unfuse to sleep so you are
vulnerable in camp. This is why you take invisibility.
Perception: Perfect with your wis bonus
Stealth: helps overcome disadvantages when you don’t have
your eidolon
Diplomacy: Always good to have when you have 22 CHA
Fly: You’ll want your
eidolon to fly and this will help
Standard Boiler plat equipment, ring of prot, amulet of nat,
cloak of resistance…. No armor, and a super buffed greataxe, because you have
26 str and two handed weapons deal 1 ½ times str damage
Martial Weapon Proficiency: for the greataxe
Extra Evolution: For more evolution. Never a bad thing
Share healing: Eidolon only has so many hit points and you
don’t want rely on your HP siphoning too much
Abilitiy increases: Con Str and dex all are good
Flight: never a bad decision, will get you out of pickles
Improved nat armor: 1 Evolution point +2 nat, good economy
Energy Immunity: yes that’s immunity not resistance
Enter battle with caution. You’re eidolon can be dismissed,
so be careful around spell casters. Other than that get in there and bash away
when fused. If you lose your eidolon, greater invisibility and your summons
will pick up the slack. Also remember to keep mage armor up, gives a nice boost
to AC.
P.S. if you got the reference to the name, you're awesome. Don't ever change.