Tuesday, March 12, 2013

CCP: Chavez, Cronyism, and the Corporate Plutocracy

Hugo Chavez has been a thorn in the side of the plutocrats for a long time.  But to understand why we must look first at the history of Venezuela and the oil subsidies . In 1949 the government of Venezuela was considering nationalizing their oil. Well the plutocrats will have nothing of the sort and Royal Dutch Shell and Jersey Standard Oil strike a deal, they will give the government of Venezuela 50% for the profits that they make. Well within a year the detail of this come out and Saudi Arabia starts looking to do the same. The companies dealing with Saudi Arabia at the time went by the name ARAMCO (Arab American Company).  So Saudi Arabia is looking to strike a deal or nationalize their oil company, and they’re kind of leaning towards the soviets because of our support for Israel, and arabs don’t like Israel. So a deal is struck, Aramco will make all the money they can, and give half to the saudi’s, They can then turn around and deduct half the money they make from their taxes, not from their income for calculation of their taxes, but simply cut off the tax bill.  So who makes up for the sortfall… BINGO! The American taxpayer.
                So fast forward to around the mid 1970’s.  Where the whole scheme has been known for a while, and surprise surprise, the corporate elite have figured out that  they can get money from the government just like Aramco. Well this opens the door, the only thing left is to figure out how to do it. Enter: the powell memo. What this was, was basically a call to corporate America to become more aggressive in it’s takeover of the government, because it was, at it’s core, extraordinarily profitable. Well Nixon sees this, and powell is subsequently put on the supreme court, and the finalization of corporate person hood comes to be through a series of decision by powell and company. So we basically come to where we are today, corporate rule due to buying the government being a very lucrative and effective strategy.
Well Chavez had a different approach, he comes in and basically says “fuck your money, the oil industry now belongs to the state” and with that Venezuela starts to improve not only their own lot, but that of several surrounding countries, including Cuba. So while America is giving money away to rich oil baron, Venezuela is profiting off of it’s own resources and those resources are being used for the betterment of the country, essentially giving the middle finger to big business.  Say what you want about the man, that is a great achievement.

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